
Cool Photos | Amazing Photos | Blue Ocean photos | amazing natural scenes

Have a look to these coolest pics which everyone wants to treasure...

Some beautiful Imaginations | Best creative photos

Beautiful Imagination Expressed In terms of Photos...

Amazing Cappadocia Cave Hotel

Amazing Cappadocia Cave Hotel...

Shesh-nag Of Kalyug | Sheshnag Photos | real Sheshnag Photos | Sheshnag really exist | Real Five Headed Snake Photos

These pics are really amazing to see as this snake is one of its kind and not found anywhere in the world...This snake have great spiritual value in Indian Mythology and is a symbol of purity...According to India Mythology Shri Krishan bhagwan have danced on it and is present over various other God's head also...

This pics have been captured from Infosys Campus and is really amazing to see and i am lucky of being a part of it...


As this blog contains some of my best i thought why shouldn't i provide some basic history and information about Photography...

By the art of photography we can create a still or moving pictures by recording radiation on a non-sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or an electronic sensor.

Photography has many uses for business, science, art, and pleasure. Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects activate a sensitive chemical or electronic sensor during a timed exposure, usually through a photographic lens in a device known as a camera that also stores the resulting information chemically or electronically.

Apart from this complex language in a easy way you can say that by the camera or photography you can capture images of the places u have visited , people u love or in short you can create various memories which you can treasure it for the lifetime...

So, enjoy photography as i do...
As its history is considered this term is coined in 1839 by Sir John Herschel. traditionally the raw output of a camera is called a photographic film or negatives which will then developed into photographic papers as the still frame of input taken...